Thursday, August 07, 2008

A feeling of zero mass

Standing on the edge, I had very less time to think about many things. Soon my mind revised the period of two months , a little more though. Starting with the memory of bloody mary ordered by meet on the jetairways flight to hongkong through very many things till the feeling of the stickiness on hands due to the sultry climate at macau. A quick glimpse through many things, as if i were watching a video in fast forward mode. I recalled the lectures of many people trying to teach the course "How to eat with chopsticks". The memory of suspense i used to face before every meal, about what i eat made me giggle a little. Meeting with new people, roaming around new places. I could recall each and every face, each and every location. I was pretty much successful in capturing visual perception onto a CCD sensor and then storing it in some NAND gates. But what about my other senses, my very fast fading memory will not let me remember the feel of tasty snake we ate in snake alley of taipei, the smell of various teas and the touch of very friendly people. There are some shots of our action on the beaches, but that is not all, infact that is not even up to the mark. And the mafia games, which proved that dying is really really easy. Teaching debbie how to swear in hindi during the science park visit, where we were made to listen to 4 chinese presentations. Believe it or not we were happy at the end of the day, we got so many souvenirs. Yeah all the narration behind these thoughts had some words with french accent, I imitated them so much that i actually started speaking that way even unintentionally.
Behind every funny moment, there was a really charming young lady by name fish, it was me who provoked that name. If there was any person who made "my trip to taiwan" very very enjoyable that is fish alone. I cannot say that others didnt help me, but what she did was more than helping. I cannot imagine my self acclimatizing in taiwan, without her. As everyone know friendship is very heavy , i realized this while carrying her gifts home. This made me smile more. The very language of chinese is so difficult, i remember meet hopping between various restraunts saying "I am a pig", where he actually meant "I eat vegetarian". Yeah meet's vegetarian troubles made me laugh . I dont know if it is called duality, my mouth opened for a different reason looking at the ground, seas and islands about 233 m below me. The count ended there, i took off the platform to feel the gravity in its full strength.Yeah I am talking about the bungee. It was totally awesome, and now I am talking about the whole trip.......

1 comment:

Meet said...

you sound like writing a suicide note :P
but it was good to read as the memories of Taiwan passed by again..