Monday, June 02, 2008

A charming success story

So far the success stories in software industries start with millions or billions of dollars earned from a piece of software. I never consider them to be success stories in context of softwares, they make up great articles in all business magazines and inspirational documentaries. But how exactly can a software success story be defined? Can it be defined as a software with about 2 million lines of code written by a "team" of 3000 or so without investing a dollar, or without even knowing each other in person. They are not from the same institute, not from the same state... not even from the same continent. But it was possible for them to build a software that huge[ it is not exactly one software]... No enterprenuers involved, no investments involved. Just using a small bandwidth and the interest to tackle problems, A community is formed, a huge community, broader in many aspects than any other community. I would like to thank richard stallman and linus benedict torvalds for their "free" thoughts. Each of them being no less than steve jobs or bill gates in their technical and interpersonal skills... Thanks so much for building a world for the software users to live in. A dream land where everything is free to use, and everything is changed the way you want.

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