Wednesday, May 28, 2014

The quest for naturality or the lack of it

Having been in different communities, the very definition of humanity ended up being rather confusing to me. Surprisingly when it comes to judging and forming an opinion on an issue, the more I learn the harder it gets to form an opinion. But when I think about it, stupid people often tend to have strong opinions on big issues. Now that is a rather bold statement to make, but I believe that a lot of people who tried to have a logical argument with a few people can relate to it. 

I don't want to 'the joker', but he does have a point or two about humanity. The inconsistencies we deal with, some subtle and some evident, are right there and it is foolish not to acknowledge them. The idea of open-mindedness is a myth, one cannot be okay with every belief - there are clearly the ones you like and ones you don't. And this pretentious open-minded nature that I observe is repelling, it's like reading a story full of contradictions. Some aspects act like a big red button for these open-minded people. 

Ofcourse, any discussion these days has to include homosexuality, how else are we going to push those red buttons. A recent discussion with a friend of mine popped out the idea of insignificance in gay pride. Apparently Gays - being not natural -  is hard to explain to a 3-year old kid and confuse him. How is teaching kids about love between a man and woman, eventually making them hetero sexual acceptable. But teaching about love between a man and man is confusing them. So a kid is given freedom in non-significant issues but not in the significant ones. 

Another critical thought comes with some forms of feminism and their mindset. Let us talk about women being oppressed and taking a toll on fashion industry. You see documentaries, posters and sessions where they discuss the evil-demands of the show biz, putting a hard life to these zero-sized models. Well not-eating isn't that painful - try getting a 6-pack. Why aren't they dealing with guys; making a 6-pack is lot harder than to not eat and stay slim. They have to go through a lot of pain and suffering to get there. How is that not portrayed as an evil of the industry. A glamour industry is not much different from sports, where both use their physical attributes to entertain others. How is one objectifying a person and the other not so much!

These questions when thought with clear mind never give out answers. May be naturalism is indeed over-rated - If we are natural, sexual comments should sound as sweet as bird chirps and other animal mating sounds . May be we are confusing the ideas or may be not.